My Mind on Paper & Video

Collective thoughts and outlook on life through my eyes.. Hope you enjoy much love!

My mind on paper 8/15

Why is encouraging people important?

Encouraging people is important because it fosters personal growth, motivation, and resilience. When individuals are encouraged, they feel supported and empowered to pursue their goals and dreams. Encouragement provides validation, boosting self-confidence and belief in one's abilities. It also inspires individuals to overcome challenges and setbacks, promoting resilience and perseverance. The act of encouragement shows empathy and compassion, creating a positive and uplifting environment that enhances mental well-being and interpersonal relationships. Encouragement has a ripple effect, leading to increased productivity, creativity, and innovation. By fostering a culture of encouragement, we create a society where individuals are empowered to thrive, contribute their unique talents, and make a meaningful impact on their communities and the world.

My mind on paper 7/20

Why is inspiring people important?

Inspiring people is crucial because it drives motivation, innovation, personal growth, impactful leadership, and a positive ripple effect. Inspiration ignites individuals' enthusiasm and purpose, pushing them to overcome hurdles and pursue goals. It fosters creativity and fresh perspectives, generating new ideas and solutions. Through inspiration, people can unleash their potential, grow personally, and become the best versions of themselves. Inspiring leaders can motivate teams, foster collaboration, and achieve collective goals. Furthermore, inspiration is contagious, spreading positivity and influencing others to pursue their passions. Overall, inspiration plays a vital role in personal and societal development, driving progress and creating a ripple effect of inspiration and achievement.

My mind on paper 6/18

Why is Consistency important?

Consistency is important because it helps establish trust and reliability. When you are consistent in your actions, behaviors, and communication, people know what to expect from you. This creates a sense of stability and dependability, which can lead to stronger relationships and more positive outcomes.

Consistency also helps to reinforce habits and build momentum towards achieving goals. By consistently taking action towards a specific goal, you are more likely to make progress and see results over time.

In addition, consistency can help with decision making and problem solving. If you have established consistent guidelines or processes, it can make it easier to make decisions and troubleshoot issues.

Ultimately, practicing consistency can lead to greater success, personal growth, and a more fulfilling life.

Just my Mind on paper 5/2

Don’t Compare

What’s up people have you ever been out with somebody and you guys have really something special together and all of a sudden you see somebody walk by or another couple walk by and they have something even more special or maybe it’s just one thing that you wish you had in your relationship listen, this is the fastest way of to kill that special thing.

The fastest way to kill something special is comparing it to something else.

All I’m trying to say is focus and be grateful for the special thing you have don’t waste time worrying about anyone else’s much Love Dj

See the Good 4/4

It’s not always easy to see the good. When it doesn’t look the way I think it should.. but even the stress of a million cares can’t cover the blessings God has given me here..

I just gotta take time slow down… so I can see and enjoy the little things.. cause sometimes that is all it takes to bring that smile back! Much Love ❤️ ppl

OverThinking pt 2 3/14

What is overthinking?

Now that i have explained over thinkers and now you have a vivid picture on what it is.

My advice to you would be. Just focus on is the next step.

Not the journey not what all that has to be done. Stop looking at the end Game for everything you do. Sometimes life just requires for you set an objective that is impossible to reach and step out in faith. Simply because if you focus on how long the journey is you will start to feel overwhelmed and start trying to make adjustments for something that is not at your feet yet.

Most of the time you are alone when you are going through this. For the ones that have a crowd while this is going on Quite the crowd and your mind.

So again stop focusing on all of that and just focus on the very next step towards that impossible objective until you reach it. Much love ❤️ ppl!

OverThinking 1/29

What is overthinking?

To me all over thinking is, is the root of fear or control. Example I fear the outcome of this or I want to control the outcome of this. A crowded mind or trains the brain traffic in suspicion. Example what happens of this? What happens if they don’t? Or what happens if this doesn’t happen? You see the root of fear or control just in those few questions. So let clear this up right now the only thing you can control is your effort and you attitude. Okay

One more the thing this can stem from not being understand. Example when parents of caregivers really didn’t understand us what did they do label us. You’re just like….., you have….., your problem is….., why can you be like….., etc. So since they didn’t understand me. Now I overthink, what’s wrong with me?, why am I like this?, why do I feel like this?, why can’t I learn as fast?, etc. all because I was not understood.

When we crowd are mind like this with overthinking the one word we are waiting for from God has to wait in the long line of our overthinking. Food for thought 💭 Much love ppl!

Just my Mind on paper 11/3

4 things Being in control kills with other ppl.

Contentment- so you will never be satisfied with today because you busy trying to figure out how to hold up tomorrow..

Collaboration- because you have to be the shoot caller or as much cousin would say shug Knight lol.. they are ppl your are suppose to be in business with that you are not! It’s crazy because you and that person are meant to better together..

Correction- you will not be receptive to correction. This something no matter who or where you are it is needed.

Communication- you will not be vulnerable enough to tell people what is really going on. You don’t want to ppl ammo to use against you so you cut off communication.

Just by reading this snippet I didn’t expand on you have memories with ppl. You are experiencing some of these problems with and some are saying yeah this is not a bad thing it protects me!

The problem with that is God is supposed to protect you. So give yourself to him/God and relinquish the Control you are holding onto and watch these 4 things start to change in your life! Much love ❤️!

Just my Mind on paper 10/20

Listen to respond or listen to understand

What does each mean?

Listen to respond means is that instead of really paying attention to what the other person is saying, you are already thinking about what you want to say in response.

While Listen to understand also know as active listening and empathic listening. This type of listening helps you build strong relationships, gain a deeper understanding of your friends and colleagues, and even deepens your own sense of empathy.

I could already tell you which I prefer to have in my arsenal.

It takes effort to quiet our thoughts and really hear what another person is saying. Rather than focusing on the variables that we cannot control, focus on the things that you can control, like listening. Without realizing it, when you listen to each other you are creating an environment of safety.

To listen, we need to make a conscious effort not to just hear what people are saying but to take it in, digest it and understand. Not only does listening enhance your ability to understand better and make you a better communicator, it also makes the experience of speaking to you more enjoyable to other people.

So for me I like the way Steven Covey said it.

“Listen with the intent to understand, not the intent to reply.”

Now most ppl don’t even realize they listen this way. So you will need to purposely do the work to retrain your listening skills. Even more so if you’re trying to earn the respect of your peers or in the workplace you can better understand formulas and materials. Or even defuse conflicts before they get out of hand all just by active listening.

This will work with anyone but are you going/willing to do the work so it can work.. much love ppl.

Just my Mind on paper 10/11

The woman I look for…

The one that will:

Choose me in a room full of ppl not only when the room is empty. The one that considers me and not just herself a real partnership. Competitiveness is great with me as long as we use it to work for us and not against us.

I try to steer clear of the person that sees only the good in me. The person that thinks you’re perfect. The truth is that you are not. I know that hurt a lil bit but it is true and good for us to hear every now and then.

Go for the person that see the Good and the bad in me and still wants me around them and build something amazing together.

I look forward to that time.

Just my Mind on paper 08/24

Significant Other

You can lose your significant other by a lack of communication, time, respect, and attention.. even when loyal.. you can lose them by lack of showing them off, making them smile, and not replying.. said this.. to say it’s not the couple that prays together stays together it’s the couple that grows together stays together… the hard truth is we change every day, we mature every day in life.. our dreams change our desires change in life.. so we must remain adaptable and change not alone but together…

much love DJXUNLIMITED..

Just my Mind on paper 07/15


You are not a burden

are you perfect no

Do you have things to work on yes

We all do

So no one and I mean no one will be better off with you gone

you are a blessing in this world

thank you For being you today

You still have a long way to go but just know I’m rooting for you much love ❤️

much love and always remember ppl someone encourage properly can do amazing things.

Just my Mind on paper 06/30


Love is not a feeling to me.. Although we do feel Love but it is so much more than that. It’s an intimate emotional bond that strengthens over time through a series of vulnerable moments and supportive actions. So when people say well i just don’t feel it anymore or Its just not a Vibe anymore. I don’t understand that statement. To me that is not Love. Stop watching so much hallmark shows lol but for real its not real they make those stories up to entertain you..

To me Love is what you do in spite of what you feel. Its when you sacrifice for the good in another person even when they never see It.

Love to me is action, a moment of faith, a manifestation, a choice that you will make daily with all of your being to be with someone no matter with happens. I can tell this It is not for the weak…

Yes you do feel love initially but it is your choice to evolve that relationship and make it a priority in your life. Oh this will NOT be easy, who ever told you it would be they are lying. This will be the hardest thing you will ever do but also the most meaningful as well. Let that sink in… much LOVE ppl!

Just my Mind on paper 05/19

Why put pen to paper?

Other then the most common response of it helps us retain the information better. Which is true for most.. here is my response..

It is a tool used by the brain, hands, and the imagination to copy and physically transform lifeless ink into expressions of our minds and hearts. A pen helps us to find our voice by giving your ideas the opportunity to flow freely. Pens have become one of the most important parts of our life. Because of modern technology lots of people are doing less and less.

We should utilize both of these because the truth is that Some people do creative and rough work with pen and paper and then professional and share-able work with a computer and keyboard. Written words can influence and inspire countless people, and they can live on indefinitely. So yes it is important to put pen to paper but it is equally important to just learn to communicate through the written word whether it be on paper or Digital. Much love DJ

Just my Mind on paper 04/14

You choose

You can’t make someone love you.. by giving them more of what they already Don’t appreciate.. I’m not going to tell you what to do, but I will say…

look at it like this way… this life is short and so would you rather be spending precious time on ppl that don’t appreciate you. Remember ppl this life is going to be over one day, or would you rather spend the time the ones that do.. the choice has always been yours..

Much love ppl ❤️

Just my Mind on paper 03/17

Who am I

Some of you are different things in this World some wear more caps than others.. so, I am going to share some of them to get to know you all a lil better.. Also, you may learn a lil bit about yourself.. So, most people are Employees, husband/wife , friend, and parent… read the following in the first person

Who am I? I am a employee to a job.. I am a husband/Wife to a wife/husband… I am a parent to a child.. I am a friend to a friend.. So, my question is who am I for myself? Who am I outside of these roles?

My thoughts

You see these are Hard questions we all should take the time to answer for ourselves.. This is the link to gaining confidence. By knowing who you are and what you stand for in life can help to give you a strong sense of self-confidence. To be yourself, you must know yourself. Next part..

Lets begin First I need you to find a place where no one else is and no can Disturb you.. and ponder this with God…

Read the following in the first person..

Who am I as a person?

What makes me feel good?

What makes me happy?

What makes me sad?

What do I love?

What do I hate?

As you answer these questions alone with no influence around you.. you will learn who you are.. DISCLAIMER…

Once you figure out who you are your goals may change.. much love

Oh one more thing if this is too much all at once Start smaller with the following…

Ask God and yourself…

What is one thing I am doing wrong that I know that I am doing wrong?

That I could fix that I would fix?

Think about this and meditate with God you will get an answer. You are not going to like the answer but it will be the answer you need.

Remember one step at a time is still progress… take care of yourself ppl

My mind on paper 3/7

the difference between interested and committed..

So let’s break it down real quick.

When you’re Interested in someone or thing- you will do what needs to be done when it is convenient for you..


When you’re committed to someone or thing - you will do whatever it takes..

The point of view is completely different

Some of us think we are in committed ship.. when the other is just interested.. food for thought 💭

.. much love ❤️ ppl..

My mind on paper 2/21

Ray Charles once said all the keys are underneath your fingers.. Take the time to play the right note….

What I took from that is…

Don’t Rush through everything in life…

Take time to respond properly

Take time to learn your craft

Take time and enjoy life..

It’s at your fingertips now but it may not be tomorrow… Don’t Rush it..

Much love ppl…

Just my Mind on paper 02/14

Emotional vs vulnerable

I would like to talk to you about emotional versus vulnerable and the difference I think a lot of people get these confused because they think they’re being vulnerable when they’re actually just being emotional. The slight difference is that when you’re emotional you tend to stay negative. Then your significant other will relate negatively towards you.

Now vulnerable is you deal with something emotionally but after you expressed it with them. what you’re dealing with you will say something positive to reassure yourself and them that you’re going to rise to the occasion and your significant other will always relate that to you. Small change but a big difference in reaction. Happy Valentine’s Day ppl!! ❤️💕

Just my Mind on paper 01/18


Is something that is so valued that the whole world pays attention to it. I mean when I really think about it I don’t know one single person that is not depending on Time for something.

Time is related to all that is going on around us, so we often hear about the time dimension, because time is an essential element of life. Time represents special milestones, including birthdays, anniversaries and the birth of babies and helps us organize our daily lives and activities, so we can live a more organized and productive life.

It seems to be one of the single most vital piece of anything we have to offer someone that holds any real value.

I mean we use Time to help us make a good habit of structuring and organizing our daily activities. If you understand the value of time better, you can gain experience and develop skills over time. ... Time teaches us the value of life.

Lets not stop there shall we our education and history depend on tIme.. In time, we know the history of the events that are taking place around us, and it helps us in documenting these events.

I mean even God works in a time frame.. maybe not the exact same scale as ours but God made upon the believers a timed book, meaning that it is performed at the appointed time without delay. Likewise, we find that all worship has a close relationship with time.

Why is this important because it is some thing we all want need and fight for more of and not always know why! Well here some of my reasons:

Time acts as both a teacher and a healer. Sometimes this is the only way to gain a new perspective on life. Time teaches us the value of life and the end of it.

Time is the one thing that you can never get back. Think of it like flowing water, you can never touch the same water twice because the Flow that has passed will never pass again. So enjoy the moment you are in. My favorite quote is “If you have someones time cherish it, because it simply can not be replaced.

I want you to remember something ppl. No matter what you face in this world… Gradually all things start aging and eventually decay as time progresses.

So just be sure that you are using the time you have wisely and are giving it to the people that value it. Much love Ppl DjxUnlimited

Just my Mind on paper 12/21

Focus 2

Hey what up ppl… it is just me DJ another episode of my mind on paper.. You know as I begin to spend more and more time on this rock we call earth 🌍. I am starting to realize the work we do when No one is watching and cheering for you like when you get up early and work hard or when you stay up late and work hard or when making sacrifices no one else sees like missing the latest marvel movie lol.. what Im starting to realize is that is the Dream. Is You when you keep on keeping on is what my Grandma would say.. so keep on keeping on no matter what because it’s not about the destination it’s about the journey..

simple because the story’s you are going to be telling to ppl there with you are going to be about your journey..

The Dream you had and the goals you set to get to the Dream.. as well as the discipline, sacrifice, and hard work it took for you to accomplish it.. so please ppl take the risk so your story can inspire someone after you. You never know who is watching.. much love ❤️ppl happy holidays 🎁🎊🎄🎅🏾…

Just my Mind on paper 12/14


Sometimes LIFE hardens you and makes you feel like you don’t need help from anyone.. or teaches you that you don’t need help from anyone due to what you have experienced in your past.. but the Truth is that we all need a little help sometimes whether it be from friends, family, your community, ppl you love, or ppl that come for a season. Don’t be to proud to receive the help God maybe sending to you. It just might be the help you have always been looking for but didn’t know how to find.. maybe because it was meant to find you not for you to find it.. Mind on Paper 📝

Much love ❤️ ppl!! And Happy Holidays!!

Just my Mind on paper 11/30


The road to perfection is paved with disappointment..

Along the way you discover that the most important things in life are messy

Such as Family, careers, your community of people that you keep around you are one big mess..

We have to learn to enjoy the mess and look for the perfect moments that we will never forget

Like this one i have with my mom and the Christmas she did give us much…

This particular Christmas with 5 presents and 4 brothers best one yet in my opinion. She bought us 5 board games monopoly scramble, Candy land, hungry hippo, trouble. At first i was disappointed that we didn’t have a-lot of gifts under the tree like in the Christmas movies but once we started playing them together my mom and my brothers it became so much fun that when it was time stop none of wanted to. She wanted to give us more and the years after she did but the perfect Christmas to me was that one. We played those board games she bought for us to open until it was time to go have dinner with the rest of the Family. Now was my up bring perfect NO far from it. This moment was perfect and I’m very grateful that i got to have this moment in my life.

This is what perfection look like to me around the holiday, so make sure you make the most of what is important while you still have it.

I will have more next week until then much Love and stay Safe!

Just my Mind on paper 11/23


A happy person wants 10,000 things

A sick person wants one thing..

change your focus

It is are unlimited desires that is clouding our peace and happiness!

Better to be hurt with the truth than comforted with a lie..

As I get older I realize the wired stuff that dr. Seuss use say is starting to make since…. Like always say what you mean, and mean what you say.. because those who mind, they don’t matter , those who matter, they don’t mind… just my mind on paper.. it’s crazy because as I grow my outlook for success doesn’t match up with everyone one else’s… like I don’t want to famous and successful… I just want to live out my ability that god gave me and if it helps one person it was worth it.. my mind on paper… we all have complaints in life… but I sometimes wonder are we complaining because it’s a real problem or because the rest of the world is complaining and we want to feel included.. don’t stress just my mind on paper.. maybe all of these entries is why it is so important to pick the right ppl to keep around you. Happy Thanksgiving ppl.

Just my Mind on paper 11/16


What is Loyalty?

First let’s define what loyalty is not, then I can give my opinion on what loyalty should be..

Loyalty is not a feeling and loyalty is not a last choice..

Loyalty is not activated by Love...

This Choice is not made by love it’s also not made because of the way ppl make you feel when your around them.. this is made by the actions you show someone.. inside and outside of the presents of them.. before and after you start the relationship….

Loyalty is not opportunity and it is not a attachment..

what do I mean when I say opportunity. Well ppl will be loyal to someone that has opportunity’s going for them but once the opportunity is over or complete they are no longer loyal or will make a statement similar to well he/she changed .. we call these ppl opportunist.

What do I mean when I say attachment.

Well In my experience in life there will always be ppl that want to attach themselves to you not because they have your back or have your best interest in mind. It is because they want to benefit from the things/task/accomplishments your able to complete. Your not a person to these types of ppl… you are a purse/bag 👜..

What I believe what loyalty is? To me loyalty is completely based on Actions over words... I believe someone can say they are loyal but their actions can show they are not.

Of course this can only be truly tested When that person is faced with options and opportunities.. Now based on their actions to these decisions will tell if they are or have ever truly been loyal to you.. when dealing with people you have to understand that we don’t abandon what we want, we abandon what we were using. Example tools 🧰 you grab a perfect tool for a task. Once the task is complete and now you have another task. If that tool is not needed you throw it to the side and grab another suitable tool.

So I’m closing with this loyalty is a choice backed by action not just when you are present but when you are absent as well. Also, it will be very hard to spot the fake without options and opportunities or trials and pandemics..

It’s Nice to have ppl to ride with you in the Yacht.. but what you want is have to someone paddle with you into the calamity.

Just my mind on paper: 11/09

You should never negotiate your Value with anyone. Just know you’re worth it, Been worth it, I will always be worth it!

If you don’t value yourself you will take it out on other ppl you never intended to.

Think about it a man that truly loves and values himself don’t beat on women

And a woman that truly loves and values herself will not give herself to just any man.

Your value should never be based on the attraction of the opposite/same sex. It Is determined from within and what you bring out.

Example a doctor wouldn’t have become a doctor if professors didn’t existed, professors would exist if a school system wasn’t in place- including, clerks, professors, etc. a school wouldn't exist if we didn’t have the builders/construction men… you see the picture? Look at our body- I can’t say that my eyes are more important than my legs- I need the whole thing! In the same case, we all need each other- Each one of us have value❤️ With this saying, the value of a human being is determined from within.

Just my mind on paper: 10/26

Illusion of independence pt 3

What was the battle you ask, the mind vs the body lol.. I was Trying to fight the knowledge in my mind. I my mind said I could do it but body said no you can’t..

So I had to depend on ppl to get me back to the place where my body will respond to what my brain was telling it to do..

I had to accept the help. That is not very easy for most ppl.. that is not all I also had to learn how to make a request. Also learn to listen to suggestions.. simply because I couldn’t do it on my own any longer..

So this required me to learn the ppl around much more like my brothers. If I was going to ask them for a request it will be something like specific so they wouldn’t have to wonder what I needed. With my parents at this time I was able to be more vague.

I began to realize that not asking for help is, in fact, selfish. I love to help people. I do it all the time. If I don't let them help me back, I am not allowing them the same satisfaction I enjoy. You could even say that I am, in a way, disempowering them. "Proving" that their help doesn't matter. They want to help me. I don't do them any favors with my fierce independence. Learning this lesson has allowed me once and for all to see and acknowledge with my mind, my heart and my body that my life really is a part of a larger whole.

Just my mind on paper: 10/19

Illusion of independence pt 2

I remember, as I was growing up, being carefully taught that independence, not inter-dependence, was everything. "Make your own way." "Stand on your two feet." or my Father’s favorite admonition when I was face to face with consequences of some action: "Now that you have made your bed, lie on it!" Total independence is a dominant theme in our culture. I imagine that what my parents were trying to teach me was to take responsibility for my actions and my choices. But the teaching was shaped by our cultural images and instead I grew up believing that I was supposed to be completely "independent" and consequently became very reluctant to ask for help.

For example I would got of of my way not to be a burden on anyone.. I would not talk about what bothering me with my closes friends, simply because I didn’t want to them to think I needed there help like I couldn’t handle my own shit..

When I was 18 I was in a major car accident to where whatever Independence I had was completely vanished.. because I had a long road of recover ahead of me. I had to depend on a lot of ppl. To get me through to the next day.. I couldn’t use the restroom on my own I couldn’t walk I could keep track of my meds on my own.. I had to learn how to walk again.. even then ppl walked beside to make sure I didn’t fall.. shower time was a sponge bath for months it was horrible.. lol. I was in a constant battle..

Just my mind on paper: 10/12

Illusion of independence pt 1

The Illusion of Independence is exactly what it sounds like: it's the belief that we are completely independent, even though it's total and utter absurdity. Independence is celebrated, lifted up as a model of how we should try to be, and so of course we all scramble to identify as independent

Even if I am on retreat on the mountain for the weekend, I am eating food someone else has grown, living in a house someone else has built, wearing clothes someone else has sewn from cloth woven by others, using electricity someone else is distributing to my house. Evidence of interdependence is everywhere. We are on this journey together. Knowing this interdependence is true is great in principal, but what did it mean when I was hurt and needed help?

Just my mind on paper: 10/5

I don’t believe strength is being able to smile through the tears and push it down or out the way. That the easy way out it’s called out of sight out of mind. We say it’s hard because when we do that we suffer in silence. So No, the true strength is when you can communicate what is killing you.. then start the process to heal.. so let’s normalize it ppl.. much love DjUnlimited..

Just my mind on paper: 09/28

I won’t tell the truth about you if you don’t try and lie on me… i go for the heart and I mind my business, gossip is not what I like around me… woah don’t stress… just another episode of my mind on paper.. I told you once if could be anyone I would be me… I wonder why these days we care more about being first instead of being right… Dj you wonder too much… true.. well I try to keep aces and kings in my deck.. ppl that are not afraid to get cancelled cause they care about ppl. Mind on paper.. had to get it off my chest.. one more thing ladies… don’t waste my time cause I’m looking to make a difference..

Just my mind on paper: 9/21

I wonder why We go live with the highlights and stay silent with the pain.. Do we feel ashamed or alone… idk maybe a mix of both.. don’t stress just my mind on paper.. I don’t come for ppl on here.. I’m bigger than that.. I wonder why we bet on other ppl, but will never bet on ourselves. why do we look for loyalty over love nowadays, maybe because no one is looking to beat a challenge anymore or maybe we have realized we have evolved .. don’t stress like I said my mind on paper.. should we focus on what’s missing and strive for more,or be happy with what we got.. oh one thing you should know.. that someone you’re afraid to let down…. Just know that they are afraid like you...

that hit home for some.. much love ppl.

Just my mind on paper: 9/14

Just to clear the Air I am not VIBE I’M an EXPERIENCE…. Things on my mind I always share it.. Ain’t to many ppl out here that is free.. If I could be anyone in the world.. I would be Me.. some say that is crazy.. truth be told I don’t waste time worrying about them.. I am too busy working on me… just thinking out loud.. I understand It hurts the most when you really do care.. can’t run from the pain tho won’t heal, just have to feel I guess its the only way to heal….like i said just thinking out loud.. why do we record something good, I respect it more if you keep it on the low. I have a problem with disrespect, lost a few friends to it. I mean what’s you motive. Would you do the same without the audience.. maybe that is why my circle is small and I only allow certain ppl near and close…IDK I just know we have to do better.. the eyes that look to ME depend on it..Please don’t stress like I said just thinking out loud.. Im human too just give it some thought…. Much love ppl..

Just my mind on paper: 9/2

Live Life don’t live vicarious

Why is that we always miss the person that loved us after they are gone. Why do we get mad when they leave. Are we mad that they are absent or no longer accessible to us. Don’t stress just breath just my mind on paper. I think we should look at every person as possible teacher and not a competitor in this life we live.. learn and grow from each other while we have each other.. because tomorrow is not promised and you never know what the other is thinking.. like I said my mind on paper.. So maybe you’re that lucky/blessed to have someone amazing in your life that loves you. Take a min a appreciate them. Not just for being there but for all they have taught you along the way. Whether it be your parent, friend, significant other, kids, whoever they are, because life is a book 📕 and like all good books it eventually ends.. just none of us know when.. just my mind on paper.